Convert Word to PDF Using Power Automate Flow

Convert Word to PDF Documents Using Power Automate Flow

Power Automate, previously known as Microsoft Flow, is a powerful tool designed to automate repetitive tasks and processes. It allows users to set up flows that carry out certain actions based on predefined triggers. The power automate also provides a solution to such type of conversion by creating flows. In this article, we will learn how to create power automate flows to convert word to pdf.

Setup Power Automate Flow to Convert Word to PDF

Now we will proceed with the steps to create a flow in power automate to convert word to pdf.

  • Login to and search for power automate and open the application.

Open PowerAutomate Flow

  • In power automate, click on the create button and then create Automated cloud flow.

create automated cloud flow

When a File is Created (Properties Only) for Convert Word to PDF

  • Type the flow name, in the flow trigger search for SharePoint and choose trigger “when a file is created (properties only)” and click on the create button.

when a file is created, convert word to pdf

Get file Content

  • Click on the + Search and click on the Get file content.

add get file content flow

  • In the site address, choose your site address. In file identifier, choose identifier.

choose identifier in get file content

Create File in OneDrive

  • Click on the + icon and then choose Create file.

add create file in onedrive flow

  • In the folder path, choose root path or any folder. In the file name, choose file name with extension. In the File Content, choose file content.

choose folder path, file name and content in create file onedrive

Convert Word to PDF

  • Click on the + icon, search and choose Convert File (Preview).

add convert file flow

  • In the file, choose Id and in the target type, choose Pdf.

choose file, target type in convert file flow

Create PDF file in SharePoint Library

  • Click on the +, search and click on Create file under SharePoint.

add create file in sharepoint flow

  • Choose Site Address, Folder Path. In the File name choose Name and add.pdf. In the file content choose file content from the dynamic list.

choose, site address, path, name and content in create file sharepoint flow

Delete the Temporary File

  • Click on + icon and search and choose delete file.

add delete file flow

  • In the file identifier, choose Id.

choose id as file type in delete file

When you have created the flow, save it. Flow will look like the image below.

convert word to pdf power automate flow

Run the Flow

Now create a file in the documents library in the SharePoint and you will see the flow will run and save the pdf file in the desired location. With this flow, you can easily convert Word to PDF.


In this article we have discussed, how to create Power Automate flow to convert word file to pdf. All you need to follow this guide, and you will easily make flow to convert word documents to pdf files. If you have any queries or suggestion, feel free to comment down.


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