Problem with the Proxy Server’s Security Certificate in Outlook

Problem with the Proxy Server Security Certificate in Outlook

Microsoft Outlook application is the most trusted and widely used Email application. Outlook helps the user manage mail by using some functions. Sometimes we face an error “Problem with the Proxy Server’s Security Certificate” or “Outlook cannot connect to the proxy server”. This issue arises due to some problem in the proxy server.

Problem with the Proxy Server’s Security Certificate

This article will explain the possible reasons behind this issue and how to fix this Microsoft Outlook error. Before telling you the solution, firstly discuss why it is happening.

Why Problem with the Proxy Server’s Security Certificate in Outlook Error Occurred

Now we will go to discuss the main causes of the occurred issue:

No Antivirus is available on the System

You won’t be able to fix this issue by not installing antivirus software, but you will be better prepared to handle other types of issues.

Bad Internet Connection

This issue arises when the user has slow or inconsistent internet connections. The user may attempt a resolution and verify whether the problem has been fixed.

Unsynchronised date and time

If you are experiencing this issue, it may be helpful to verify that the system’s date and time are in sync with your current location and time zone.

Profile Settings

This could be because of a problem with your profile’s settings or because you don’t have access to the data storage option.

Easy ways to Solve Microsoft Outlook Problem with the Proxy Server’s Security Certificate

After knowing the why part of the problem now we are going to discuss about how to solve that issue.

Need to Install Antivirus and then run a Scan

When anti-virus software isn’t installed on your computer, Microsoft Outlook will have a problem connecting to the proxy server. Users should thus first attempt the shorter, more straightforward procedures, such as manual approaches or scanning with an antivirus program.

Restore Outlook

In order to launch your program with a fresh setup, the user might try reinstalling the Outlook application. Most of the time this is effective in solving the problem.

Set the Correct Date and Time

It is possible that your system is running in a different time zone than usual. The user might try to verify whether the computer’s time and date are in sync with the current time and date. Verify whether the issue still exists.

Run File checker Scan

This will restore the damaged system and data. System File Check is an abbreviation for “System File Check”. It’s an OS-integrated tool for detecting corrupted system files. System File Check (sfc /scannow) checks the integrity of all locked OS files and restores them if necessary because of corruption, modification, or damage. To carry out the procedure, do as I say.

  • Press Windows+ R to open Run. Type cmd and press ENTER.


  • It will open Command Prompt.
  • Now type sfc /scannow in the DOS prompt Window and press Enter.
  • After pressing the enter key, the Scan process will start. You can also check the progress of scanning progress.


  • After the process is over, now RESTART the Computer System.

Final Verdict

The Proxy Server Error (Problem with the Proxy Server’s Security Certificate) in Microsoft Outlook has been covered in this post. We’ve gone through the issues and potential solutions.

Read About More Errors Related to Microsoft Outlook.


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