Microsoft Office 365 Tenant To Tenant Migration

Perform Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration Step by Step

Tenant to Tenant migration is needed when we want to move mailboxes from one tenant to another tenant in Microsoft Office 365 and this is also called cross-tenant migration. In this article, we will describe the complete process for Office365 to Office365 migration and provides complete steps to prepare the source and target tenant for the cross-tenant or tenant to tenant migration to move mailboxes. First Let’s discuss about this in detail.

Table of Content:

What is Tenant to Tenant Migration and How to Perform Office 365 Tenant Migration?

When we want to move our mailboxes to another tenant, or we can say to another domain who are using Office 365 with all our data like emails, contacts, calendars and rules. then we need to perform tenant to tenant migration or cross-tenant migration. The process is quite lengthy and requires prior knowledge of Windows PowerShell. In this process we will require Windows PowerShell, Microsoft 365 admin center and Azure AD Web Portal to perform some tasks.

Please read each and every instruction and step carefully to avoid any error in the cross-tenant Migration process. If at any point you make some mistake and get error, maybe you will need to perform everything from starting. Therefore, I suggest you do not miss any steps or instructions.

First you need to make sure you are provided Global Admin access. You can check this in the Microsoft 365 admin center. If not provided, then you need to provide Global Admin access to the email id from which you will be performing Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration.

Note: You will be required to assign cross-tenant user data migration license either on the source mailbox or target mailbox. Earlier it was not needed but now Microsoft made it compulsory for tenant-to-tenant migration. So, if you need hassle free migration without the need of user data migration license, we are here to help you. Reach out to us at [email protected].

Some Prerequisites for Source and Target Tenants

In the beginning, we will need to perform some tasks in the source and target tenant. I am going to show you some tasks with the steps below.

First: Create a mail enabled security group in the source tenant.

See the steps below to learn how to create a mail enabled security group.

  • Login to using Admin login credentials.
  • Go to the Admin center by clicking on the admin from the apps panel.

Admin App

  • Now select teams and groups, then active teams and groups in the left sidebar.

teams and groups

  • Active Teams and Group window will open click on the Add a Group option.

Add a Group

  • A new window will open, asking for the Group type. Choose Mail-enabled security and click on the next button.

Mail-enabled security

  • Now Type the name and description for the Group and click on the next button.

Type the name and description

  • Now you need to assign group owners. You can add single or multiple group owners. Click on the Assign Owners to set the group owners. Select the owner and click on the Add button.

Assign Owners

  • You can see the assigned owner in the list. Click next for further steps.

Assigned owners

  • Now you have to add members for migration. Click on the add members button to add the members whom mailboxes you want to migrate. A window will open on the right side, showing the users list. Select the members and click on Add button.

add members

  • Now it will show you a list of all the added members. Click next to proceed further.

added members

  • Now it will ask for Group email address. In this window, enter the group email address and click next to proceed further.

Group email address

  • Now review window will appear. Review your details and click on create group button to add the group.

create group

Your Mail enabled security Group has been created.

Copy the Group Name and email address and save it as it will be needed later.

Second: Find and copy the Tenant ID of the source and target tenant.

You need to copy and save the tenant ID of both source and target tenant.

  • Visit the below URL in the target and the source account.

  • Copy the tenant ID under the Basic Information and save it.

copy tenant id

Create the migration application and secret value in the target (destination) tenant

First: Create or register a application

  • Visit and login using target tenant admin credentials to enter into the Azure AD portal.
  • Now click on the view button under Manage Azure Active Directory.

Manage Azure Active Directory

  • Click on the app registration in the left sidebar to create an application.

app registration

  • Now click on the new registration to register a new application.

new registration

  • Register an application window will open. Type the name for the application. In the Supported Account Type choose “Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory – Multitenant)”. Under the Redirect URI options, in select a platform, select Web, and in the URL option type After this click on the register app.

register app

You can see on the top right side that application is creating.

Once completed, it will take you to your application page. Save the Application name and Application (client) ID as it will be needed later.

ave the Application name and Application (client) ID

Second: Provide API Permission

  • Now click on API Permissions in the left sidebar.

click on API Permissions

  • API Permission window will open on the right side. By default, User Read permission is assigned and it is not needed. Click on the three dots and remove User Read permission.

remove User Read permission

  • Now we need to provide mailbox migration permission. Click on Add a permission.

Add a permission

  • Request API permissions window will appear on the right side. Click on the APIs my organization uses and search for office 365 and select Office 365 exchange online.

APIs my organization

  • Now settings for Office 365 exchange online will open, click on the application permissions.

click on the application permissions

  • Search for the mailbox. Click on the mailbox and select Mailbox.Migration permission and click on the add permission button.

select Mailbox.Migration permission

Now you can see mailbox migration permission is assigned.

Third: Add new Client Secret

  • Click on the certificates and secrets.

certificates and secrets

  • Now click on the new client secret to create secret value for the application. Add a Client Secret window will open on the right side. Add the description for the client secret and click on the add button.

new client secret

  • Now a client secret has been created. Copy the secret value and save it.

Fourth: Grant Admin Consent for MSFT

  • This mailbox move permission requires admin consent. Now you need to Grant Admin Consent, for that go to back azure active directory. Click on the enterprises applications.

enterprises applications

  • Now select the application which we created earlier.

select the application

  • Click on the permissions in the left sidebar and click on Grant Admin Consent for MSFT.

Grant Admin Consent for MSFT

  • A new window will appear asking for the confirmation. Click on the Accept button.

accept the consent

  • Refresh the page. Now you can see the permission granted through admin consent.

permission granted through admin consent

Create the Exchange Online migration endpoint and organization relationship in the Target (destination) Tenant.

  • Search for Windows PowerShell and click on run as administrator.

Windows PowerShell

  • The execution policy in Windows PowerShell is set as restricted by default. To Change to execution policy to Unrestricted to run any PowerShell scripts, users should execute the following command.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Type Y and press enter when asking for permission.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

  • Now Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell using target tenant login credentials.
  • Create a new migration endpoint for tenant to tenant mailbox migration by executing the below PowerShell script.
# Enable customization if tenant is dehydrated
$dehydrated=Get-OrganizationConfig | select isdehydrated
if ($dehydrated.isdehydrated -eq $true) {Enable-OrganizationCustomization}
$AppId = "[guid copied from the migrations app]"
$Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $AppId, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "[this is your secret password you saved in the previous steps]" -AsPlainText -Force)
New-MigrationEndpoint -RemoteServer -RemoteTenant "[]" -Credentials $Credential -ExchangeRemoteMove:$true -Name "[the name of your migration endpoint]" -ApplicationId $AppId

Note: Paste application id in place of [guid copied from the migration app] and client secret value in place of [this is your secret password you saved in the previous steps]. Type the migration endpoint name in place of [the name of your migration endpoint]. Save the endpoint name as we need it later.

create migration endpoint

  • Now Create or edit organization relationship object to your source tenant by executing below script in PowerShell in target tenant account.
$sourceTenantId="[tenant id of your trusted partner, where the source mailboxes are]"
$existingOrgRel = $orgrels | ?{$_.DomainNames -like $sourceTenantId}
If ($null -ne $existingOrgRel)
Set-OrganizationRelationship $existingOrgRel.Name -Enabled:$true -MailboxMoveEnabled:$true -MailboxMoveCapability Inbound
If ($null -eq $existingOrgRel)
New-OrganizationRelationship "[name of the new organization relationship]" -Enabled:$true -MailboxMoveEnabled:$true -MailboxMoveCapability Inbound -DomainNames $sourceTenantId

Note: Place Source Tenant ID that we copied earlier in place of [tenant id of your trusted partner, where the source mailboxes are]. Type Name for the Organization Relationship in place of [name of the new organization relationship]. Also save this relationship name as we need it later.

Create or edit organization relationship object

Accept the migration application and configuring the organization relationship in the Source Tenant

  • First login into Source Tenant account using Admin login credentials.
  • Now copy and paste the below URL.[application_id_of_the_app_you_just_created]&redirect_uri=

Note: Type your source tenant in the place of ( Type application ID in place of [application_id_of_the_app_you_just_created].

  • Now after editing open this URL in the browser where you are logged in with source tenant account.
  • Accept the application invitation when the pop up appears.

Accept the application invitation

  • Now Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell using the source tenant account details.
  • Once connected, create a new organization relationship or edit your existing organization relationship object to your target (destination) tenant using PowerShell script:
$targetTenantId="[tenant id of your trusted partner, where the mailboxes are being moved to]"
$appId="[application id of the mailbox migration app you consented to]"
$scope="[email address of the mail enable security group we created]"
$existingOrgRel = $orgrels | ?{$_.DomainNames -like $targetTenantId}
If ($null -ne $existingOrgRel)
Set-OrganizationRelationship $existingOrgRel.Name -Enabled:$true -MailboxMoveEnabled:$true -MailboxMoveCapability RemoteOutbound -OAuthApplicationId $appId -MailboxMovePublishedScopes $scope
If ($null -eq $existingOrgRel)
New-OrganizationRelationship "[name of your organization relationship]" -Enabled:$true -MailboxMoveEnabled:$true -MailboxMoveCapability RemoteOutbound -DomainNames $targetTenantId -OAuthApplicationId $appId -MailboxMovePublishedScopes $scope

Note: Type Tenant ID of the target tenant in place of [tenant id of your trusted partner, where the mailboxes are being moved to]. Put application id in place of [application id of the mailbox migration app you consented to]. Type email address of the mail enabled security group in place of [email address of the mail enable security group we created]. Put the organization name that we created in the target tenant in place of [name of your organization relationship].

create a organization relationship

Once these steps are done. We need to create mail users in the target tenant for the cross-tenant migration. Lets see how to perform this.

Steps to Create Mail Users in Target Tenant

  • Go to the Admin Center in Office 365 Target Tenant account. Once you enter into the admin center, click on the exchange in the left sidebar to go into the exchange admin center.

exchange admin center

  • Now click on the recipient and then select contacts from the drop-down menu. Contacts window will open, click on the Add a mail user tab.

Add a mail user

  • New mail user window will open on the right side. Fill all the details like first name, last name, etc. In External email address put your source user email address. Click on the next button.

enter user details

  • Now review your details and click on the create button.

review your details

Note: You will have to create mail user for each mailbox you want to move in the target tenant.

Once you have created mail users in the target (destination) tenant, you need to add ExchangeGuid and ExchangeLegacyDn of the source mailbox into the target mail user.

Steps to find ExchangeGuid and ExchangeLegacyDN of source mailbox

  • Run the below command for every user in the PowerShell on your source tenant account.
Get-Mailbox [Source Tenant Mailbox Address] | fl Name,ExchangeGuid,LegacyExchangeDN

Note: Put email address of the source mailbox user in place of [Source Tenant Mailbox Address] and run this command for each users to get their ExchangeGuid and ExchangeLegacyDn.

  • Once you run this command it will show the details. Copy and save the ExchangeGuid and ExchangeLegacyDN of the users one by one.

ExchangeGuid and ExchangeLegacyDN

Add ExchangeGuid and ExchangeLegacyDN in Target Tenant

Now you need to enter ExchangeGuid and ExchangeLegacyDN of the source user mailbox in the target tenant users.

  • To add ExchangeGuid, enter the below command in the Target PowerShell user.
Set-MailUser -Identity [email address of the Target user] -ExchangeGuid [ExchangeGuid of the source user]

add ExchangeGuid

  • To add ExchangeLegacyDN, enter the below command in the Target PowerShell user.
Set-MailUser -Identity [email address of the Target user] –EmailAddresses @{add="x500:[LegacyExchangeDN of the Source user]"}

add ExchangeLegacyDN

Note: Perform this step for every user in the Target Tenant PowerShell.

Test the Migration Server Availability

  • Type the below command in the target tenant PowerShell
Test-MigrationServerAvailability -EndPoint "[the name of your migration endpoint]" -TestMailbox "[Primary SMTP of Mail User object in target tenant]"

Test the Migration Server Availability

If you miss anything, it will show the status as failed.

Assign License to the mail users in Target Tenant

  • Go to the Admin Center in the Target Tenant. Click on the users and then click on the active users.

active users

  • Select all the users which we have created earlier and click on the three dots and select manage product licenses from the dropdown menu.

manage product licenses

  • Now a window will open on the right side. Choose replace option and under license, select the license and click on the save changes.

select the license

It will take some time and assign the licenses to all the users.

Now it is the time to create the migration batch to perform cross-tenant migration.

Steps to Create Migration Batch in Target Tenant

  • Open admin center in the target tenant. After entering into the Admin center. Click on show all, scroll down and select exchange from the left sidebar.
  • Now click on the migration in the left sidebar. Migration batches window will open. Click on the add migration batch to add the migration batch.

add migration batch

  • Now type a name for the migration batch, select Migration to Exchange Online in the mailbox migration path and click next.

select Migration to Exchange Online

  • Now select Cross Tenant migration in the migration type and click next to proceed further.

Cross Tenant migration

  • It will show some prerequisites for the cross-tenant migration. As we have completed all these steps earlier. Click next to move further.

some prerequisites

  • Now it will ask you to select migration endpoint. Select the migration endpoint which we have created earlier through PowerShell.

Select the migration endpoint

  • Now it will ask you to import CSV file. Create a excel file and enter the details like shown in the image and save it as csv file.

tenant csv file

  • Import this csv file and click next.

import csv

  • Now you need to enter target delivery domain. Enter the domain of the target tenant and click next.

enter target delivery domain

  • Now Schedule Migration Batch window will open. In start the migration batch choose automatically start the batch. In End the migration batch choose automatically complete the migration batch. Select your timezone and click on the save button.

Schedule Migration Batch

  • Now in the next window it will show the status as batch creation successful. Click on the done button.

batch creation successful

  • In the Migration Batches window, you can see your migration batch is created and will show the status as syncing.

Syncing status

  • It will take time depending on the users and their data size. Once completed it will show the status as completed.

status as completed

All your user mailboxes have now moved to the target tenant, and you will also receive an email upon completion of the cross-tenant migration process.

In the above steps I showed you how to perform cross-tenant migration step by step. The process is quite lengthy and requires user to perform multiple manual tasks. I hope this guide helped you in performing cross tenant migration or tenant to tenant migration. I hope Microsoft will automate some steps in the future so that users do not face much trouble in performing cross-tenant migration in Microsoft Office 365.


This article shows steps to perform cross-tenant migration in Office 365. Users can move mailboxes from one tenant to another tenant with the help of this guide. As we can see that process for performing the cross-tenant migration is quite lengthy and typical. Also, users do need to have knowledge of the Windows PowerShell and there is no scope for mistakes in this process. Maybe you need to perform every task from scratch if you do any mistake. I hope this guide helped you. You can ask any queries if you have in the comment section.

Read more: Enable-OrganizationCustomization with or without PowerShell


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